Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Welcome to The Domain of the Wild Maus. This blog is a pictorial diary of projects from the past and in current production. I am a Production Designer and graphic artist in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles. I work in both live action and digital worlds, designing the overall look of digital videos, sets, props, fabricating them, and creating motion graphics and 3D animation. Visit my facebook page, Wild Maus, to view galleries of my work.

It’s great to work in both live action and on the computer: you experience the joys of live action building - splinters, solvents, glue-gun burns; and on the computer, the joys of spending endless hours in front of the screen until your butt turns to mush! The best of both worlds, truly.

Right now I’m building a live-action Mayan altar for friends Russell Welch and Avery Smith, who are out shooting a personal project, a short film. They love H. P. Lovecraft and their script, Invaders, is a Lovecraftian spin on the film Panic Room. That’s my take on it, anyway.

I’m building it at Travis’s, who with Victoria, host An Artist’s Pride. Check them out. They have some shots of some mechanical man-in-flight wings we recently built for a short film. Travis fabricates but usually works as a cam op and Victoria works in the art departments in television, but they love to fabricate, too, because building is fun!

Here’s a concept sketch by Avery and the guitar box structure it’ll be framed on.

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